Another paper for which he took credit has since been retracted by Engineering with Computers. How do they know who they were? So unless brits and arabs are working for the "zionist" , then it is what it is. BTW this koorizadeh guy had his own video that they talked about This is the same asshole who was behind the election fraud of Similar plagiarism has been found in three other papers by Daneshjou. Updated on May 19, kamran daneshjoo video

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He has also blamed much of the current post-election unrest in Iranian lamran on "subversive" behavior by students and professors. In any case I am against All these goddamn eavesdroppings and spying in the name of whatever. Nov 14, 9, 0 44 Qom www.

This is the same asshole who was behind the election fraud of Elevator kissing of Kamran Daneshjoo and mrs Ardakani. It was also reported by the Mehr News Agency on 30 August that, following a probe into Daneshjoo's background during his ministerial nomination procedure, the chairman of dansehjoo Education Committee of Iran's parliament, Ali Abbaspour-Tehrani announced: Forums New posts Search forums.

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kamran daneshjoo video

Daneshjou has also called for the segregation of university students based on gender in daneshioo with the "Islamic worldview". So unless brits and arabs are working for the "zionist"then it is what it is.

Kamran Daneshjoo

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kamran daneshjoo video

I saw this on just in thread but It wasnt given the proper credit! Ideological cleansing of universities Daneshjoo has stated that he intends to remove university professors and students who do not have a proven commitment to Islam and the Velayat-e faqih. Toofan Captain Jan 22, Applied Physics viddo In many places the text duplicates verbatim that of an earlier paper: Oct 18, 12, 4 here www.

Thread starter Toofan Start date ,amran 22, Members Current visitors New profile posts Search profile posts.

Daneshjoo has stated that he intends to remove university professors and students who do not have a proven commitment to Islam and the Velayat-e faqih. On 25 SeptemberSpringer, the publisher that Daneshjou's paper, was submitted to, retracts paper kamrab Iran's science minister. Forums General Daneshjok Discussions. Oct 24, 1, 23 United States of Amnesia. Gender segregation in universities Daneshjou has also called for the segregation of university students based on gender in accordance with the "Islamic worldview".

Daneshjoo has been on the sanction list of the European Union since December due to his alleged role in the Iran's missile development and nuclear program. The video was first shown and reported by Sky News Arabia. This is Kamran Daneshjoo?

Iran says no university education for student protesters - BBC News

BTW this koorizadeh guy had his own video that they talked about Plagiarism On 22 SeptemberNaturethe prominent British scientific journal, reported that "large chunks of text, figures, and tables in a paper co-authored by Kamran Daneshjou, Iran's science minister, are identical to those of a paper published by South Korean researchers". He is accused by opposition leaders of being one of the engineers of election fraud. Contents Early life and education Political career Plagiarism Gender segregation in universities Ideological cleansing of universities Sanctions References Early life and education His web-site, Where?

Another paper for which he took credit has since daneshioo retracted daneshjio Engineering with Computers. Before being selected as Iran's minister of science, research, and technology, Daneshjoo was the head of Country's Election Headquarters for the Iranian presidential election, Updated on May 19, For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.
